BGV Ehrabocha Kerwasburschen VereinslogoBrauchtums- und Geselligkeitsverein
"Ehrabocha Kerwasburschen"
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created by:
Thomas Gengler

BGV Ehrabocha Kerwasburschen e.V.

Welcome to the homepage of the association "Brauchtums- und Geselligkeitsverein Ehrabocha Kerwasburschen e.V.".

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Latest news:

  • 03.02.2024: Carnival Party
    Faschingsparty Rosenmontag (... more ...)

  • 22.01.2024: The end of an era: Pirmer replaced after many years in office
    As already announced at the last new elections in 2022, the 2024 annual general meeting was the last under the long-standing chairman Michael Pirmer. In the first 6 years after the association was founded in 2006, he served as second chairman. In 2012, Pirmer finally took over the office of first chairman and led the club for twelve years with great commitment and success.
    As his successor, the club members chose Celina Hübschmann, a committed representative of the Kerwasmadla generation, who has enriched the club and the active Kerwas boys for several years.
    Before the club members ended the evening comfortably in the Sponsel Inn, Michael Pirmer was farewelled with a small present to great applause for his countless achievements.
    Thank you very much, Michl, for your great achievements and your impressive commitment! (... more ...)

Next dates:

    Vereinslogo des BGV Ehrabocha Kerwasburschen
    Der Kerwa-Baum