BGV Ehrabocha Kerwasburschen VereinslogoBrauchtums- und Geselligkeitsverein
"Ehrabocha Kerwasburschen"
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created by:
Thomas Gengler

Past Dates

6.12.202418:30 UhrClub BarnGlow Market
26.8.202420:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Monday with Acoustify
26.8.202417:00 UhrKirchehrenbachGöga daschlong
25.8.202420:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Sunday with Duo-Hits+More
25.8.202417:30 UhrKirchehrenbachBetzn austanzen
24.8.202420:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Saturday with Mainstreet 40
24.8.202411:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Morning Pint
23.8.202419:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Friday with barrel tapping and DJ Chrizz Manicki
23.8.202417:00 UhrKirchehrenbachSetting up the Parish Fair Tree
17.8.202417:00 UhrTWH Drill Grounds KirchehrenbachAnnual Club Party with Club Championships
15.5.202419:00 UhrClub BarnRegular Table with legendary parish fair stories
12.2.202416:00 UhrClub BarnCarnival Party
19.1.202419:30 UhrGuesthouse SponselAnnual General Meeting with elections
20.12.202319:00 UhrClub BarnRegular Christmas Table
1.12.202318:30 UhrClub BarnGlow Market
19.8.202317:00 UhrClub BarnAnnual Club Party with Club Championships
24.7.202315:00 UhrSchool Sportsgrounds KirchehrenbachRadio Bamberg Village Tour
2.12.202218:30 UhrClub BarnGlow Market
12.11.202215:30 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterAutomn Hike
20.8.202217:00 UhrTHW Drill Grounds KirchehrenbachAnnual Club Party with Club Championships
20.7.202219:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselGeneral Annual Meeting with elections
2.7.202210:00 UhrTSV KirchehrenbachBiathlon Tournament
1.7.2022??:?? UhrTSV KirchehrenbachTournament in playing cards
29.1.202119:30 UhrMicrosoft Teams (Online)General Annual Meeting 2021
4.12.202018:30 UhrClub BarnGlow Market
3.9.2020--- UhrcanceledDigging In Parish Fair
31.8.2020--- UhrcanceledParish Fair Monday
30.8.2020--- UhrcanceledParish Fair Sunday
29.8.2020--- UhrcanceledParish Fair Saturday
28.8.2020--- UhrcanceledParish Fair Friday
27.8.2020--- UhrcanceledDigging out Parish Fair
22.8.2020--- UhrcanceledAnnual Club Party with Club Championships
4.7.2020--- UhrcanceledFestival of Clubs
3.5.2020--- UhrcanceledKuchenverkauf Walberlafest
2.5.2020--- UhrcanceledKuchenverkauf Walberlafest
24.2.202009:30 UhrClub BarnFosalegn
23.2.2020??:?? UhrEbermannstadtCarnival Parade
22.2.2020??:?? UhrHeroldsbachCarnival Parade
7.2.202018:00 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterWinter Hike
24.1.202019:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselGeneral Annual Meeting with Elections
18.12.201920:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselChristmas Table
6.12.2019??? UhrClub BarnGlow Market
29.8.201919:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselDigging In Parish Fair
26.8.201919:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Monday with Gseea Wepsn
25.8.201919:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Sunday with Ehrabocher Musikanten
24.8.201919:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Saturday with Big Discussion
23.8.201919:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Friday with Steifff
22.8.201919:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselDigging Out Parish Fair
17.8.2019??? Uhrto be definedClub Party with Club Championships
6.7.201915:00 UhrClub Barn"Fest der Vereine"
5.5.201910:00 UhrWalberlaCakes & Coffee Walberla
4.5.201910:00 UhrWalberlaCakes & Coffee Walberla
4.3.201915:00 UhrMeeting place train stationCarnival Parade
1.2.201919:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselGeneral Annual Meeting 2019
25.1.201918:00 UhrMeeting place: village centerWinter Hike
19.12.201820:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Christmas Table
7.12.201818:30 UhrClub BarnGlow Market 2018
6.10.201817:00 UhrMeeting Place Train Station KirchehrenbachClub Trip Wine Festival Abtswind
30.8.201819:00 UhropenDigging In Parish Fair
27.8.201810:00 UhropenParish Fair Monday
26.8.201815:00 UhropenParish Fair Sunday
25.8.201816:00 UhropenParish Fair Saturday
24.8.201818:00 UhropenParish Fair Friday
23.8.201819:00 UhropenDigging Out Parish Fair
11.8.201816:00 UhrTHW Drill GroundsAnnual Club Party with Championships
7.7.201811:00 UhrClub BarnHuman Kicker Tournament
6.5.201810:00 UhrWalberlaCakes and Coffee
5.5.201810:00 UhrWalberlaCakes and Coffee
28.3.201820:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Easter Table
12.2.201809:00 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterFosalegn
3.2.201817:00 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterWinter Hike 2018
19.1.201819:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselGeneral Annual Meeting 2018 (with elections)
20.12.201720:00 UhrGuesthouse zur SonneChristmas Table
1.12.201719:00 UhrClub BarnGlow Market
2.10.201716:00 UhrClub BarnAnnual Club Party with Club Championships
31.8.201719:00 Uhr???Digging in Parish Fair
28.8.201718:00 UhrVillageParish Fair Monday with Mirsberger Musikanten
27.8.201718:00 UhrVillageParish Fair Sunday with Ehrabocher Musikanten
26.8.201718:00 UhrVillageParish Fair Saturday with Dochrinna
25.8.201718:00 UhrVillageParish Fair Friday with Essig und Ol
24.8.201719:00 Uhr???Digging Out Parish Fair
3.8.201718:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselMeeting of parish fair boys
19.7.201718:00 UhrGuesthouse zur SonneMeetuing of parish fair boys
9.7.201710:00 UhrClub Barn11th Birthday BGV: Morning Pint of local clubs
8.7.201711:00 UhrClub Barn11th Birthday BGV: Human Kicker Tournament
7.7.201719:00 UhrClub Barn11th Birthday BGV: Beerpong Tournament
20.6.201718:00 UhrClub BarnMeetuing of parish fair boys
7.5.2017??:?? UhrWalberlaCake and Coffee
6.5.2017??:?? UhrWalberlaCake and Coffee
13.4.201720:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselEaster Table
27.02.201715:00 UhrStart at train stationCarnival Parade
17.2.201718:30 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterWinter Hike 2017
3.2.201719:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselGeneral Annual Meeting
20.01.201718:30 UhrSlide parcours ÖberköhrSlide Race 2017
21.12.201620:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselChristmas Table
2.12.201619:00 UhrClub BarnGlow Market
2.10.201617:00 UhrClub BarnAnnual Club Party with Club Championships
1.9.201619:00 Uhr???Digging in Parish Fair
29.8.201608:30 Uhr???Parish Fair Monday
28.8.201615:00 Uhr???Parish Fair Sunday
27.8.201608:00 Uhr???Parish Fair Saturday
26.8.201618:00 Uhr???Parish Fair Friday
25.8.201619:00 Uhr???Digging out Parish Fair
13.8.201613:15 UhrMeeting Place: Village CenterClub Trip to Straubing
3.8.201619:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Meeting of Parish Fair Boys
2.7.201610:00 UhrClub BarnHuman Kicker Tournament
29.6.201619:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselMeeting of Parish Fair Boys
22.6.201619:00 UhrSchützenheim KirchehrenbachBGV Team meets for club shooting
1.5.201610:00 UhrWalberlafestCoffee and cakes at Walberla
30.4.201612:00 UhrWalberlafestCoffee and cakes at Walberla
24.3.201620:00 UhrGuesthouse zur SonneEaster Table
8.2.201610:00 UhrVillageFosaleggn
22.1.201618:30 UhrMeeting Place: Village CenterWinter Hiking
15.1.201619:00 UhrGuesthouse zur SonneGeneral Annual Meeting
16.12.201520:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Christmas Table
4.12.201519:00 UhrClub BarnGlow Market
7.11.201517:00 UhrClub BarnAnnual Club Party with Club Championships
17.10.201516:45 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterClub Trip: Wine Trip to Abtswind
2.10.201520:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselAutumn Table
3.9.201519:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselDigging in Parish Fair
31.8.201519:00 UhrVillage CenterParty with Mirsbergern
31.8.201517:30 UhrVillage CenterGöga daschlong
31.8.201509:00 UhrVillage CenterKüchla zamspielen
30.8.201519:00 UhrVillage CenterParty with Ehrabocha Musikanten
30.8.201517:00 UhrVillage CenterBetzn Dance
30.8.201515:30 UhrGuesthouse SponselCollecting the girls
29.8.201519:00 UhrVillage CenterParty with Calimeros
29.8.201516:30 UhrVillage CenterSetting up the Tree
28.8.201519:00 UhrVillage CenterParty with X-Large
28.8.201517:30 UhrClub BarnBinding the Swallows
27.8.201519:00 UhrGuesthouse zur SonneDigging out Parish Fair
26.8.201510:00 UhrMeeting Place ChurchCollect Heather
6.8.201519:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Meeting of Parish Fair Boys
11.7.201510:00 UhrClub BarnHuman Kicker Tournament
1.7.201519:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselMeeting of Parish Fair Boys
10.6.201520:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Regular Table
16.5.201510:00 UhrClub BarnBierathlon
3.5.2015XX:XX UhrWalberlaCoffee and Cakes at Walberla
2.5.2015XX:XX UhrWalberlaCoffee and Cakes at Walberla
1.5.2015XX:XX UhrWalberlaCoffee and Cakes at Walberla
25.4.201514:00 UhrMeeting Place Train StationClub Trip: Spring Festival Munich
2.4.201520:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselEaster Table
16.2.201514:30 UhrMeeting Place Train StationCarneval Parade 2015
23.1.201519:30 UhrGuesthouse SponselAnnual General Meeting 2015
2.1.201515:30 UhrSlide Track in ÖberköhrCANCELLED! Slide Race 2015 !CANCELLED!
17.12.201420:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Christmas Table
5.12.201419:00 UhrClun BarnGlow Market
2.10.201420:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselAutumn Table
4.9.201419:00 UhrGuesthaus SponselDigging in Parish Fair
1.9.201419:00 UhrVillage CenterParish Fair Monday with Leutenbacher Musikanten
31.8.201419:00 UhrVillage CenterParish Fair Sunday with Ehrabocher Musikanten
30.8.201419:00 UhrVillage CenterParish Fair Saturday with Calimeros
29.8.201419:00 UhrVillage CenterParish Fair Friday with X-Large
28.8.201419:00 UhrGuesthouse zur SonneDigging out Parish Fair
23.8.201416:00 UhrClub BarnAnnual Club Party with Club Championships
9.8.201411:30 UhrMeeting place train stationClub Trip
6.8.201419:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Meeting of Parish Fair Boys
12.7.201410:00 UhrFairground WiesentgrundBeach Volleyball Tournament
4.6.201420:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Whitsun Table
31.5.201410:00 UhrClub BarnBierathlon
4.5.2014??:?? UhrWalberlaCake Booth at Walberlafest
3.5.2014??:?? UhrWalberlaCake Booth at Walberlafest
1.5.2014??:?? UhrWalberlaCake Booth at Walberlafest
17.4.201420:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselEaster Table
3.3.201410:00 UhrVillage CenterFosaleggn
28.2.201419:30 UhrClub BarnCarnival Glow
24.1.201419:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)General Annual Meeting
17.1.201418:00 UhrMeeting place village centerWinter Hike
18.12.201320:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Christmas Table
6.12.201318:00 UhrClub BarnGlow Market
2.10.201320:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselAutumn Table
21.9.201315:30 UhrMeeting place village centerClub Trip: Wine trip to Escherndorf
29.8.201319:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselDigging in Parish Fair
26.8.201319:00 UhrVillage CenterMusic with Leutenbacher Musikanten
26.8.201317:30 UhrVillage CenterGöga daschlong
26.8.201309:00 UhrVillageKüchla zamspieln
25.8.201317:00 UhrVillage CenterMusic with Ehrabocher Musikanten
25.8.201316:00 UhrVillage CenterBetzn Dance
25.8.201315:00 UhrVillage CenterCollecting the girls
24.8.201319:00 UhrVillage CenterMusic with Calimeros
23.8.201319:00 UhrVillage CenterMusic with X-Large
23.8.201317:45 UhrVillage CenterSetting up the tree
23.8.201317:30 UhrVillage CenterPlaying the tree into the village
22.8.201317:00 UhrVillage CenterBinding the swallows
22.8.201310:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Digging out Parish Fair
17.8.201316:00 UhrTHW Training GroundsAnnual Club Party with Club Championships
13.7.201310:00 UhrClub BarnMorning Pint with traditional tournament
19.6.201319:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Meeting of Parish Fair Boys
15.5.201320:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Whitsun Table
27.4.201310:00 UhrMeeting Place Club BarnBeerathlon
28.3.201320:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselEaster Table
11.2.201314:30 UhrMeeting Place Train StationCarnival Parade 2013
1.2.201319:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselGeneral Annual Meeting 2013
19.12.201220:00 UhrGuesthouse zur SonneRegular Christmas Table
7.12.201218:00 UhrBGV Barn next to the curchHot Spiced Wine Market
6.10.201211:00 UhrStuttgart (Cannstatter Wasen)Club Trip
2.10.201220:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Regular Autumn Table
27.8.201216:00 UhrVillage Center KirchehrenbachParish Fair
26.8.201216:00 UhrVillage Center KirchehrenbachParish Fair
25.8.201216:00 UhrVillage Center KirchehrenbachParish Fair
24.8.201218:00 UhrVillage Center KirchehrenbachParish Fair
18.8.201216:00 UhrTHW Drill Ground KirchehrenbachAnnual Party with Club Championships
8.8.201219:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Parish Fair Meeting
2.8.201213:00 UhrVillage Center KirchehrenbachTV meeting for the Bayern 3 Village Festival
14.7.201210:00 UhrWiesentmühle KirchehrenbachBGV Beach Volleyball Tournament
23.6.201210:00 UhrClub BarnPreparation of swallows
13.6.201219:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselParish Fair Meeting
25.5.201220:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Whitsun Table
5.4.201220:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Regular Easter Table
24.3.201209:00 UhrBarn next to the churchWork Service Swallows
10.2.201219:00 UhrMeeting Place: Village Center KirchehrenbachWinter Hiking
20.1.201219:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)General Annual Meeting (with election)
14.12.201120:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Regular Table (Christmas)
2.12.201119:00 UhrKirchehrenbachHot Spiced Wine Market
19.11.201109:00 UhrBarn next to the ChurchWork Service Club Barn
18.11.201115:00 UhrBarn next to the ChurchWork Service Club Barn
12.10.201119:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselParish Fair Boy Meeting
8.10.201112:00 UhrMeeting place: village centerAssociation trip
30.9.201120:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Table (Autumn)
18.9.201109:30 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterParish Fair Boy Battle in Walkersbrunn
29.8.201119:00 UhrKirchehrenbachLeutenbacher Musikanten
28.8.201119:00 UhrKirchehrenbachEhrabocher Musikanten
27.8.201119:00 UhrKirchehrenbachCalimeros
26.8.201119:00 UhrKirchehrenbachX-Large
20.8.201116:00 UhrTHW Drill GroundAnnual Party with Club Championships
11.8.201119:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselMeeting of Parish Fair Boys
16.7.201111:00 UhrWiesentmühleBeach Volleyball Tournament
13.7.201119:00 UhrDennerschwarzMeeting of Parish Fair Boys
22.6.201120:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Table (Pentecost)
21.5.201115:30 UhrHuppendorfBraai
7.3.201114:30 UhrMeeting place: railway stationCarnival Parade
7.3.201110:00 UhrMeeting place: village centerFosalegn
5.2.201119:30 UhrSports Club House KirchehrenbachBirthday Party Hübscha and Erli
4.2.201119:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselGeneral Annual Meeting
21.1.201118:30 UhrMeeting Place: Village CenterWinter Hiking
22.12.201020:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Table
3.12.201019:00 UhrKirchehrenbachHot Spiced Wine Market
8.10.201020:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Regular Table
19.9.201010:00 UhrWalkersbrunnParish Fair Boy Tournament
11.9.201009:30 UhrHuppendorfBierathlon
2.9.201019:00 UhrSponselDinning in Parish fair (Polo shirt)
30.8.201019:00 UhrVillageLeutenbacher Musikanten (blue shirt)
30.8.201016:00 UhrSponselGöga Daschlong (blue shirt)
30.8.201009:00 UhrVillageKüchla zamspieln (blue shirt)
29.8.201019:00 UhrVillageEhrabocha Musikanten (Polo shirt)
29.8.201017:00 UhrVillageBetzn Dance (Polo shirt)
29.8.201015:00 UhrSponselFetching the girls (Polo shirt)
28.8.201019:00 UhrVillageCalimeros (blue shirt)
28.8.201015:30 UhrPresent shopSetting up the tree
28.8.201009:00 UhrVillageFetching the tree
27.8.201019:00 UhrVillageX-Large
27.8.201017:30 UhrVillageBinding the swallows
27.8.201008:00 UhrVillage CenterSetting up stage
27.8.2010 UhrFlower storeBinding the crown
26.8.201019:00 UhrGuesthouse zur SonneDigging out Parish fair
26.8.201010:00 UhrVillage CenterCollecting Heather
22.8.201019:00 UhrPoxdorfParish Fair Boy Olympics
21.08.201016:00 UhrTHW Training Grounds in KirchehrenbachAnnual Club Party with Championships
18.8.201019:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Meeting of Parish Fair Boys
22.7.201019:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselParish Fair Meeting
18.7.201010:00 UhrWiesentmühleWorking for Beach Volleyball
17.07.201011:00 UhrWiesentmühleBeach Volleyball Tournament
16.7.201015:00 UhrWiesentmühleWorking for Beach Volleyball
11.7.201013:00 UhrMeeting place will be published soonParade for 100 year celebration of an association from Kirchehrenbach
4.7.201012:30 UhrSports ground TSV KirchehrenbachFootball Tournament
24.6.201019:00 UhrDennerschwarzMeeting of Parish Fair Boys
21.5.201020:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Table
15.05.201009:00 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterClub Trip
5.3.201019:00 UhrMeeting Place: Village CenterWinter Hiking 2010
15.2.201014:30 UhrTrain Station KirchehrenbachLine-up for the Carinval Parade
15.2.201014:30 UhrMeeting place: railway stationSpending drinks at the carnival parade (Jürgen Gebhard, Johannes Pieger, Anja Meier, Andreas Sponsel, Michael Postler)
15.02.201010:00 UhrKirchehrenbachFosalegn
05.02.201019:30 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne / DennerschwarzGeneral Annual Meeting with elections
16.1.201015:30 UhrWalberlaSlide Race
16.1.201013:00 Uhrat the "Hufhanskortz" ;-)Cutting straw for the straw bears (Carnival)
4.1.201020:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselAssociation Meeting about Carnival 2010
16.12.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Christmas Regular Table
11.12.200919:00 UhrKirchehrenbachHot Spiced Wine Market
2.12.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Monthly Regular Table
4.11.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselMonthly Regular Table
7.10.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Monthly Regular Table
20.9.200909:30 UhrWalkersbrunn (Meeting place: village center Kirchehrenbach)Parish Fair Boy competition
19.9.200909:00 UhrHuppendorf (Meeting Place = village center in Kirchehrenbach)Bierathlon
3.9.200919:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselDigging in Parish Fair
31.8.200919:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Evening with "Leutenbacher Musikanten"
31.8.200917:00 UhrKirchehrenbachGöga daschlong
31.8.200909:00 UhrMeeting Place village centerKüchla zamspieln
30.8.200919:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair evening with "Ehrabocha Musikanten"
30.8.200916:00 UhrKirchehrenbachFetching the girls and "Betzn austanzen"
29.8.200919:00 UhrKirchehrenbachKerwa-Abend
29.8.200916:00 UhrKirchehrenbachSetting up the tree
29.8.200909:00 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterFetching the parish fair tree
28.8.200920:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Evening with X-Large
27.8.200919:00 UhrGuesthouse zur SonneDigging out Parish Fair
24.8.200919:00 UhrGuesthouse "zur Sonne" (Dennerschwarz)Meeting of Parish Fair Boys
22.8.200916:00 UhrTHW Training GroundsClub Party with Club Championships
5.8.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselMonthly Regular Table
18.7.200911:00 UhrWiesentmühleBeach Volleyball Tournament
1.7.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Monthly Regular Table
14.6.2009??:?? Uhrmeeting place village centerVolleyball Tournament in Drügendorf (Finals)
13.6.200914:00 Uhrmeeting place village centerVolleyball Tournament in Drügendorf (First Round)
3.6.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselMonthly Regular Table
27.5.200919:00 UhrMeeting of Parish Fair Boys / Association Meeting regarding Beach Volleyball TournamentGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)
21.5.200910:00 UhrMeeting Place StaffelgötzAssociation Hike
6.5.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Monthly Regular Table
18.4.200912:45 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterTrip
1.4.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselMonthly Regular Table
4.3.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse zur Sonne (Dennerschwarz)Monthly Regular Table
23.2.200910:00 UhrPfarrheimFosalegn
20.2.200918:30 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterWinter Hiking
13.2.200919:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselAnnual General Meeting
4.2.200920:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselMonthly Regular Table
24.1.200912:30 UhrKirchehrenbachFootball Tournament
9.1.200919:00 UhrCoasting slide ÖberköhrSledge Race with Apres Sledge
17.12.200819:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselChristmas Regular Table
3.12.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Table
5.11.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse Zur SonneRegular Table
25.10.200813:00 UhrErlis barnWork Service
24.10.200819:00 UhrClub House of Music Club in KirchehrenbachSheepshead Tournament
1.10.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Table
7.9.2008??:?? UhrB 470Marathon (Farschon Paul, Dauer Thomas, Hübschmann Uwe)
4.9.200819:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselDigging in parish fair (T-Shirt: POLO)
2.9.200808:00 UhrMeeting place: village centerDismantling the stage (responsible: Galster Philipp, Bail Basti, Farschon Paul, Albert Christian)
1.9.200819:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Monday with the "Leutenbacher Musikanten"
1.9.200816:30 UhrMeeting Place SponselGöga daschlong (T-Shirt: POLO)
1.9.200809:00 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterKüchla zamspieln (T-Shirt: BLAU)
31.8.200819:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Sunday with Calimeros
31.8.200817:00 UhrVillage CenterBetzn austanzen (T-Shirt: POLO)
31.8.200815:45 UhrMeeting Place SponselCollecting the girls (T-Shirt: POLO)
30.8.200819:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Saturday with X-Large
30.8.200816:00 UhrMeeting Place stationery shopSetting up parish fair tree (T-Shirt: PISTOLE)
30.8.200809:00 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterFetching parish fair tree (T-Shirt: NONE)
29.8.200819:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Friday with the "Ehrabocha Musikanten"
29.8.200818:00 UhrVillage CenterBinding the swallows (T-Shirt: BLAU)
29.8.200815:30 UhrSandra Ammon (Trendfloristik)Binding the heather
29.8.200808:00 UhrMeeting place: village centerSetting up the stage (eingeteilt: Hübscha, Och Heiko, Götz Patrick, Galster Philipp)
28.8.200818:00 UhrGuesthouse "zur Sonne"Digging out parish fair (T-Shirt: POLO)
28.8.200810:00 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterCollecting heather (Bail Basti, Dorsch Ch., Hufhanskortz, Farschon P., Galster David, Malchus, Nade)
26.8.200819:00 UhrLindenkellerMeeting of division parish fair
24.8.200810:00 UhrTHW training groundClearing after club party (Baumann Marco, Dauer Thomas, Hübschmann Uwe, Albert Christian)
23.8.200816:00 UhrTHW Training Space KirchehrenbachClub Party with Club Championships
23.8.200810:00 UhrTHW training groundPreparing club party (Thomas Dauer, Manuel Gebhardt, Heiko Och, Uwe Hübschmann, Paul Farschon, Benedikt Brütting)
15.8.200818:00 UhrMeeting Place Village CenterSummer Hiking
6.8.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse Zur SonneRegular Table
25.7.200819:00 UhrGuesthouse "zur Sonne" (Dennerschwarz)Meeting of all parish fair boys
20.7.200810:00 UhrWiesentmühleClearing Beach Volleyball Tournament
19.7.200810:00 UhrWiesentmühle KirchehrenbachBeach Volleyball Tournament
18.7.200816:00 UhrWiesentmühlePreparations Beach Volleyball Tournament
13.7.200810:30 UhrSports Ground TSV KirchehrenbachFootball Tournament (Team: Thomas Dorsch, Daniel Harrer, Torsten Peske, Frank Schwank, Uwe Keilholz, Christian Dorsch, Sebastian Bail, Marco Baumann, Andreas Sponsel, Jochen Götz, Andreas Frank)
12.7.200810:00 UhrMeeting Place: Sports Field TSV KirchehrenbachFetching parish fair tree + set up tree in the afternoon for the sports fair (responsible: Pirmer Michael, Dauer Thomas, Baumann Pascal, Dorsch Christian, Gebhardt Manuel)
6.7.200810:00 UhrSports Ground TSV KirchehrenbachCross-Run of the school in Kirchehrenbach (Christian Goldberg, Uwe Hübschmann, Marco Baumann, Stefan Kraus, Thomas Dauer) (Clothes: blue)
2.7.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Table
14.6.200813:45 UhrTreffpunkt DorfplatzForming a guard of honor (wedding Matthias Erlwein)
13.6.200819:30 UhrClub House TSV KirchehrenbachChampionship Celebration TSV Kirchehrenbach (Uwe Keilholz, Matthias Dimpel, Thomas Dorsch) (Clothes: Polo-Shirt)
11.6.200819:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselAssociation Meeting / Parish Fair Meeting
4.6.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse Zur SonneRegular Table
7.5.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Table
27.4.2008??:?? UhrVillage Center KirchehrenbachExhibition of IGF Kirchehrenbach
12.4.200808:45 UhrMeeting place: village centerTrip
2.4.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse Zur SonneRegular Table
5.3.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegular Table
2.3.200819:15 UhrMeeting place: village centerMajor Greeting (with Kerwasburschen pullover and polo)
16.2.200813:00 UhrKirchehrenbachFootball Tournament of Bayern fans Raiffenberg
8.2.200819:00 UhrMeeting place: village centerWinter hiking around the Walberla
6.2.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse Zur SonneRegular Table
25.01.200819:00 UhrGuesthouse Zur SonneGeneral Annual Meeting with election of managing board
2.1.200820:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselRegulat Table
19.12.200720:00 UhrGasthaus zur Sonnechristmas regular table
5.12.200720:00 UhrGasthaus Sponselregular table
7.11.200720:00 UhrGasthaus zur Sonneregular table
3.10.200720:00 UhrGasthaus Sponselregular table
16.9.200708:45 UhrMeeting place: village centerContest of associations at the parish fair in Walkersbrunn
5.9.200720:00 UhrGasthaus zur Sonneregular table
1.9.200713:30 UhrMeeting place: village centerHonour Guard for Stefan Lalla (Wolfgang Pieger, Andreas Sponsel, Thmas Dauer, Thomas Gengler, Marco Baumann, Peter Sebnald, Pascal Baumann, Jochen Götz)
30.8.200719:00 UhrGuesthouse SponselDigging in Parish Fair (T-Shirt: POLO)
28.8.200709:00 UhrKirchehrenbachDismantle Stage
27.8.200719:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Monday with the Leutenbacher Musikanten (T-Shirt: POLO)
27.8.200716:30 UhrKirchehrenbachGöga daschlong (T-Shirt: POLO)
27.8.200709:00 UhrVillage CenterKüchla zamspieln (T-Shirt: BLUE)
26.8.200719:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Sunday with CALIMEROS (T-Shirt: POLO)
26.8.200717:00 UhrKirchehrenbachBetzn austanzen (T-Shirt: POLO)
26.8.200715:45 UhrKirchehrenbachCollecting the girls (T-Shirt: POLO)
25.8.200719:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Saturday with CATWEAZLE (T-Shirt: PISTOLE)
25.8.200715:45 UhrKirchehrenbachSetting up the parish fair tree (T-Shirt: PISTOLE)
25.8.200709:00 UhrKirchehrenbachFetching the parish fair tree (T-Shirt: FREE)
24.8.200719:00 UhrKirchehrenbachParish Fair Friday with Ehrabocha Musikanten (T-Shirt: BLUE)
24.8.200718:00 UhrKirchehrenbachBindimng the swallows (T-Shirt: BLUE)
24.8.200713:00 UhrTrendflorisitik SchleiwiesBinding the wreath
24.8.200710:00 UhrChurch KirchehrenbachChurch service for saint day (T-Shirt: POLO)
23.8.200719:00 UhrGuesthouse Zur SonneDigging out Parish Fair (T-Shirt: POLO)
23.8.200714:00 UhrKirchehrenbachAssemble the stage
23.8.200710:00 UhrVillage CenterCollecting the heather
20.8.200718:00 UhrMeeting place: guesthouse SponselPutting the carriage into the water
20.8.200718:00 Uhrin front of guesthouse SponselPutting the carriage into the water
19.8.200710:00 UhrTHW Training Space KirchehrenbachClean up after the internal assotiation party Vereinsfeier aufräumen (Timo Rösch, Daniel Harrer, Matthias Dimpel, Thomas Dorsch, Paul Farschon, Thomas Postler)
18.8.200718:30 UhrTHW Training Space in Kirchehrenbachannual internal party with club championships
18.8.200713:00 UhrMeeting place: village centerHonour Guard for Christian Pieger (Sebastian Spindler, Thomas Gengler, Thomas Dauer, Stefan Lalla, Uwe Hübschmann, Thomas Dorsch, Marco Schnitzerlein, Wolfgang Pieger)
18.8.200709:00 UhrTHW Training Space KirchehrenbachPreparing the internal assotiation party (Patrick Götz, Benedikt Brütting, Jonas Pieger, Thomas Gengler, Thomas Dauer, Marco Baumann, Pascal Baumann)
9.8.200719:00 Uhrclubhouse of TSV KirchehrenbachDancing lessons for the Betzn dancers
8.8.200719:30 UhrGuesthouse SponselLast complete meeting before parish fair 2007
1.8.200720:00 UhrGasthaus Sponselregular table
14.7.200710:00 UhrWiesentmühle in Kirchehrenbachbeach volleyball tournament
8.7.200711:00 Uhrsports filed of TSV KirchehrenbachFootball tournament
5.7.200719:00 Uhrsports field in KirchehrenbachBuilding up the association marquee (participants: Thomas Dauer, Uwe Hübschmann, Marco Baumann, Benedikt Brütting, Timo Rösch, Thomas Dorsch, Tobias Roppelt, Manuel Gebhardt)
4.7.200720:00 UhrGasthaus zur Sonneregular table
1.7.200719:00 UhrDennerschwarzMeeting of all members (Topics: Parish Fair 2007 and Beach Volleyball Tornament on 14.7.)
22.06.200718:00 UhrClub House of Shooting Club KirchehrenbachCelebration of 20 years partnership with the village Hassel (music: Nimm 2)
17.06.200712:45 UhrRüssenbachParticipation of pageant
6.6.200720:00 UhrGasthaus Sponselregular table
31.05.200719:00 UhrGasthaus SponselMeeting of all active "Kerwasburschen"
2.5.200720:00 UhrGasthaus zur Sonneregular table
4.4.200720:00 UhrGasthaus Sponselregular table
7.3.200720:00 UhrGasthaus zur Sonneregular table
9.2.200718:30 UhrKirchehrenbach (meeting point: village center)Winter Hike
7.2.200720:00 UhrGasthaus Sponselregular table
2.2.200719:00 UhrGasthaus Sponselannual general meeting
21.1.2007??:?? UhrKirchehrenbach (gym)indoor soccer tournament of Bayern fanclub Raifenberg
3.1.200720:00 UhrGasthaus zur Sonneregular table
Vereinslogo des BGV Ehrabocha Kerwasburschen
Der Kerwa-Baum